1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

35. Norad Travel

Suite 4, The Brows Farm Business Park, Farnham Road, Liss, GU33 6JG


Key people: 
Mick Gibbs Chief executive officer
Linda Foote Managing director
Tara Foy Financial director
Anna McGurk Operations director

Main industry sectors: Marine, yachts, pharmaceutical, technology, medical, energy, petrochemicals, manufacturing

Other services: MICE, VIP concierge, retail, consultancy, groups

Type of company: Privately owned

Transactions handled online: 10%

Transactions: Air 66% | Hotel 18% | Rail 1% | Car 2% | MICE 8% | Other 5%

Office locations: Liss, Trowbridge, Enniskillen, Geneva

Association and network membership: Advantage Travel Partnership, The BTA, Focus Travel Partnership, WIN Travel Network

UK full-time equivalent staff: 30
Average length of service: 10 years
Average industry experience: 21 years

GDS: Sabre, Travelport

Online booking tools: Atriis, GetThere, SAP Concur

Expense management tools: SAP Concur

NDC content: Yes

Biggest innovations in 2020: Bespoke data analysis tools, traveller tracking and sustainability programme.

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