1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

54. West End Travel

4-6 Canfield Place, London, NW6 3BT


Key people: 
David Segel Managing director
David Kershman Finance director
Jeremy Segel Groups director
Stephanie Marsh Manager, groups & sports travel
Claire Oakes Senior business travel manager

Main industry sectors: TV production/media, entertainment, banking, sports-related groups, finance, corporate travel

Other services: Incentive travel, special interest tours, international sports events

Type of company: Family business

Transactions handled online: 0%

Air 84% | Hotel 12% | Rail 3% | Car 1% | MICE 0% | Other 0%

Geographical breakdown of transactions: UK/Ireland 17.5%

Top destinations: Short-haul - Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, Geneva

Office locations: London, Edgware

Association and network membership: ISTAA

UK full-time equivalent staff: 17
Average length of service: 25 years
Average industry experience: 27 years

GDS: Travelport (Galileo)

Online booking tools: Viewtrip

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