1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

16. Travel Counsellors for Business

Venus, 1 Old Park Lane, Trafford City, Manchester, M41 7HA


Key people: 
Steve Byrne Chief executive officer
Kirsten Hughes UK managing director
Kieran Hartwell Corporate managing director
Jim Eastwood Global sales director
Aisha Battersby Head of product and operations - corporate

Main industry sectors: SME specialist for sectors including finance, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, sports, marine, hospitality, entertainment, professional services

Other services: MICE, group travel, conference management, event consultancy, VIP, concierge

Type of company: Majority owned by venture capital

Transactions handled online: 0%

Transactions: Air 54% | Hotel 24% | Rail 7% | Car 6% | MICE 3% | Other 6%

Geographical breakdown of transactions: UK/Ireland 26% | Short-haul 45% | Long-haul 20%

Top destinations:
Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland
USA, South Africa, Australia, India, Canada

Office locations: Manchester, Cork, The Hague (supports operations in Belgium, Cape Town, Dubai)

Association and network membership: The BTA

UK full-time equivalent staff: 1,400 UK Travel Counsellor franchisees and 223 full time employees
Average length of service: 7 years
Average industry experience: 15 years

GDS: Travelport (Galileo)

Online booking tools: Traveldoo

Other technology: Phenix booking platform, eLocate traveller tracking tool, myTC mobile app (proprietary), myTC app payment portal and app.

NDC content: Dedicated API feed into in-house booking platform Phenix

Biggest innovations in 2020: A move to work from home posed no logistical problems for the company’s corporate support team colleagues and franchisees, meaning it could remain focussed on supporting our clients and each other at all times.

Discover the background to Europe’s multinational TMCs whose presence span the continent, read analysis of the UK, French and German TMC markets, and explore the mergers and acquisitions reshaping the industry

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