1. Call Me Ishmael Travel


Top Rejser

Gåskærgade 42, 6100 Haderslev, Denmark


Key people: 
Michael Prehn Chief executive officer
Dorthe Mathiesen Chief financial officer
Hans Dahl Chief digital officer
Christian Bøjsen Chief strategy officer
Eva Storbank Business solutions manager

Main industry sectors: Energy, oil and gas, public sector

 Other services: Groups, leisure travel

 Type of company: Private limited company

 Office locations: Haderslev

Association and network membership: ITP, DRF

Full-time equivalent staff: 12

GDS: Amadeus

Online booking tools: Three types of tool depending on level of service required: Free, Business and Business Pro. SAP Concur

Expense management tools: Acubiz

Other technology: Traveller tracking

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