TMC & Distribution Features

The Winners
The Winners

The successes and achievements of companies, teams and individuals recognised across 21 categories... KEEP READING

Change of pace
Change of pace

Distribution: Is NDC causing unwanted turbulence or driving positive change? A decade since its launch, it is certainly now gaining momentum... KEEP READING

Setting the scene
Setting the scene

BACKGROUND: To appreciate today’s intricate distribution landscape it’s helpful to understand its circuitous backstory... KEEP READING

Primed for take-off
Primed for take-off

AIR CONTENT: Few areas of business travel are as divisive as NDC but it is transforming airline distribution whether it’s welcomed or not... KEEP READING

Central reservations
Central reservations

THE GDSs: The distribution landscape’s backbone for decades, legacy global distribution systems are now grappling with keeping content together... KEEP READING

In the thick of it
In the thick of it

TMCs: As travel content becomes increasingly fragmented, travel management companies are facing a battle to knit all parties together... KEEP READING

Beyond the margins
Beyond the margins

RAIL CONTENT: Air travel might dominate, but the distribution of rail content – and hotels – presents challenges for all parties too, but is progress... KEEP READING

At the coalface
At the coalface

TRAVEL MANAGERS: The evolution of travel distribution is manifesting in ways that aren’t all music to travel managers’ ears... KEEP READING

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