1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

43. Midas Travel Management

55 Loudoun Road, St John's Wood, London, NW8 0DL


Key people: 
David Sullivan Managing director
Nicola Cox Director
Glenn Watson Head of IT
Ceri Edwards Senior marketing manager

Main industry sectors: Finance, telecoms, professional services, energy, consulting, legal, technology, marketing, PR, pharmaceutical, private clients, SME

Other services: Meetings and events, group travel, executive leisure, concierge, VIP meet and assist, private jet charter, inhouse out of hours service, duty of care solutions, data management and consultancy

Type of company: Privately owned

Transactions handled online: 17%

Air 55% | Hotel 25% | Rail 5% | Car 5% | MICE 5% | Other 5%

Geographical breakdown of transactions:
UK/Ireland 15% | Short-haul 25% | Long-haul 60%

Top destinations: Short-haul - Geneva, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, Zurich; Long-haul - New York, Johannesburg, Dubai, Boston, Luanda

Office locations: London

Association and network membership: Advantage Travel Partnership, The BTA, Focus Travel Partnership, WIN Travel Network

UK full-time equivalent staff: 24
Average length of service: 8 years
Average industry experience: 15 years

GDS: Travelport

Online booking tools: Atriis, Evolvi

Expense management tools: Certify, Expensify, SAP Concur

Other technology: MIDAS-Book online booking tool (Atriis), MIDAS-Mobile iOS and Android app, MIDAS-Analytics management information (Travelogix), MIDAS-Secure risk management solution (PinPoint)

NDC content: Yes via Atriis

Biggest innovations in 2020: Introduction of NavAgent: combining booking capture and analysis tool, with point-of-sale automation applications and software integration expertise

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