1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

14. Key Travel

9th Floor, St James Building, 61-95 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EJ


Key people: 
Saad Hammad Chief executive officer
Simon Conoley Group finance director
Dan Morris Group IT director
Damian Fairbrother Jones Global operations director
Catherine Waterman Executive assistant

Main industry sectors: Academic, charity, humanitarian, faith

Other services: Specialist travel including group travel, meetings & events

Type of company: Privately owned

Transactions handled online: 71%

Transactions: Air 37% | Hotel 21% | Other 2%

Geographical breakdown of transactions: UK/Ireland 55% | Short-haul 66% | Long-haul 34%

Top destinations:
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy
United States, Kenya, South Africa, India, Canada

Office locations: Manchester, USA, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Kenya

Association and network membership: Advantage Travel Partnership, The BTA

UK full-time equivalent staff: 125
Average length of service: 8 years
Average industry experience: 12 years

GDS: Amadeus

Online booking tools: Proprietary OBT

Expense management tools: Rydoo

Other technology: Salesforce.com CRM, Vonage telephony, Verint/Monet resource planning, Amadeus Selling Platform Classic

NDC content: Direct connects and aggregators

Biggest innovations in 2020: Student Travel Portal provides entry into a new market for Key Travel

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