BTN Europe Features

People & the Planet
People & the Planet

Introduction: ESG is as much about people as it is about the planet, and corporates and suppliers alike must prioritise both... KEEP READING

Power tools
Power tools

Tech & tools: Technology is central to all sustainable travel programmes, with new tools and functionality frequently arriving on the market... KEEP READING

Steps forward
Steps forward

Neurodiversity: Looking after neurodivergent and hidden needs business travellers is imperative if you’re serious about an inclusive travel programme... KEEP READING

The beauty of diversity
The beauty of diversity

DEI: While most are united on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, defining what that means and how to go about it is not so... KEEP READING

Going the distance
Going the distance

Rail travel: Demand for long-distance rail travel is growing but incorporating it in managed travel programmes is not without its complications... KEEP READING

Connecting the dots
Connecting the dots

Mobility: Securing visibility and control of ground transport spend is a legacy problem to which a raft of emerging tech players are aiming to bring... KEEP READING

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